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Sunday 24 October 2010

Hisotry of the Internet

Since 1957 we have come a long way. The web formally known as web 1.0, has developed dramatically over the years, to web 2.0, were the users input information, creating a participatory culture. The Internet has enable users to create virtual communities and social networks, which we base a lifestyle around, for example Facebook and Twitter has become part of my lifestyle, i have to at least visit both of the site three times a day. Due to the internet widely been used to watch videos and listen to music, copyright Infringements have been broken. This has erupted debates amongst the community, whether copyright laws should be allowed on the internet. However, people would argue that the internet was created so people could browse it free of charge, so why should there be any sort of limitations or prices attached to certain thing.

Here is a video on Youtube, giving us a quick lesson on the history of the internet;

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