Search This Blog

Saturday 1 January 2011


Folksonomy was coined in 2004, by Thomas Vander Wal. Folksonomy is described as ‘personal free tagging of information and object for one’s own retrieval, by Louise Spiteri in his article ‘the Web and Search Engines(Louise Spiteri, 2008). Folksonomy has been widely popular in social website such as Facebook, Tageworld, Myspace and Fickr. Social networking websites have used Folksonomy as another device or tool that’s allows the end users to interact with one another. They have done this by tagging users within images, tagging friends within video, so that you can discuss as a group regarding issues within the video clip. Folksonomy is a tool widely use in today ‘Particpatory Culture’, which Tim O’Reilly mentions in his Web 2.0 conference.  Folksonomy hasn’t only been useful in the social networking realm. It has been widely used to improve the efficiency and relevance of their search efforts, within search engines such as Google, yahoo and Bing.

Folksonomy is not only used to tag friends and family within images, as I initial though. It is a way to organize text and information, making it easier for the end user to collect information to refine searches. 


Vander Wal, T. (2007, February 7). Folksonomy. Message posted to

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