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Saturday 12 March 2011

Campaign/The Colonization of Real-Time

The internet has become a significant marketing tool for many campaign companies. Reason being is due to how easily the internet can be accessed across the world, by many different people. Videos, images, sounds clips, and text can be posted online within seconds, informing the internet community of their current events and activities. As the internet is a free publishing and production platforms, it helps to reduce cost for charities and companies that choose to publicize through the web.
For example Battlefront is an organization that is all about campaigns. Their aim is to change the world. They show their campaigns online and through the web, to increase awareness. Recently I viewed a campaign on their website about knife crimes. This campaign was created by a girl called Eliza Rebeiro. The campaign was just created to increase the aware of knife crime. She has created a number of video, interviewing famous people, asking them on their views on knife crime. She has also fashioned an event show within local school within her area to educate young kids and show them knife crime is not right.

After viewing this campaign I have decided to support the cause, there has been a huge increase in knife crimes within London and it needs to stop. ‘Lives Not Knives’ visit the website for more information.

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