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Thursday 7 April 2011

Campaign- Obesity Kills

For this project I was required to create a media campaign, to raise the awareness of a particular issue of my choice. I decided to work within a group of four and create a 3-5 minuets video that would consist of my chosen campaign. As a group we decided to also create poster, to help increase the awareness of obesity.
The rationale for our campaign was to make people of our age aware of the severalty of obesity within our society, and give them advice on how to maintain a good and healthy lifestyle for people of our ages and above. Rather than focusing on the older generation, that has often been seen on television documentary such as “Supersize Me” and “Fit Club”, we decided as a group that our target audience would be people that are attending university or younger, as we are the future of tomorrow.

During the research stage of the campaign, we came across a number of remarkable facts, which was related to our topic of interest. This included the vast amount of statistics of obesity we discovered. ‘About 46% of Men in England and 32% of Women are overweight’ and ¾ parents fail to realise that their children are overweight’. Obesity has been a hot topic recently, whether it is been discussed within newspaper articles, or shown through programs broadcasted via the internet or terrestrial television, it is something that everyone is talking about and trying to figure out how to concur it, as it is costing the economy a lot of money. Jamie Olive has been one countries most well-known and influential nutritionist. He has made a great impact on British schools and healthier eating schemes to try and change the bad habits of children today. Many people debate whether Jamie Oliver popular or influential? This has been one of many debates that have been discussed and brought up. Despite Jamie’s good intentions to change the eating habits of children in Britain, it has somehow gone wrong. Students now use alternative options of either bringing a packed lunch filled with goodies and treats or starving themselves until school is over and then spend their lunch money on chicken and chips and full by the time they reach home.

After gathering our research that we obtained, we decided that we would use Flipscams and Final Cut Pro to record and edit our campaign, and used Adobe Photoshop to create posters, to help increase the awareness of our campaign. When we finish creating our campaign, we decided to post our campaign onto World Wide Web via YouTube to enlighten and inspire other people, as G, Lovink says within his article blog, MyBrain, ‘Web 2.0 has three distinguishing features: it is easy to use; it facilitates the social element; and users can upload their own content in whatever form, be it pictures, videos or text’.

This project has helped to boost my knowledge on obesity and illustrate to me how it has had a vast affect on people within my culture and the NHS. There will be a staggering 2.3 billion people that are overweight in 2015. Of the 2.3 billion, 700 million will be obese. NHS obesity currently cost the NHS £ 1 Billion annually. This money could be spent elsewhere such as improving hospital equipments and raise employment, rather than spending it on people that are suffering from the side effects of obesity.

Campaign - Obesity Kills

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